My precious gem

 Jimba cat , 

baby cat ,Amma cat , lovey cat
My little nosey cat

My sweet cat , my mummu cat ,my poocha cat , my catty cat 
My little gungu cat

This is our theme song nowadays. 

How I wish I could freeze time . 
I love this phase of you so much , I am so worried about you growing up and not being my cuddly cat anymore 
I am not sure if you know it . But we (Nando and Amma) could not have asked God for anything more than you. 
So one of these day (yet) another lady told me that I am doing a great job of bringing you up. I took the credit and it made my day. I was beaming around all day but I asked myself - Is it me or is it you ? Does a parent mould a child or is he always who he is ? 
I do not know but I like to believe that we parents do have a role in who you are , at least in these ages. My little sweetheart, I hope and pray that you will remain to be as sweet and loving always .


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